Tuesday, March 24, 2020

This Is Quarantine: Day 13

In the spirit of not complaining, today there were cookies! Made entirely by children:

And, in a heartwarming reboot of a classic, E made e a Bananasaurus for a snack:

I also spent a soul-recharging 3 hours talking to my Ride-or Die and drinking whiskey. That was a highlight.

I mean, when I put it that way, pretty good day, right?


For the love of all that is holy, make those little monsters CLEAN UP THEIR S@#T before they go to bed! I can't tell you how many times I get so focused on getting them to bed that I forget that they were up to who knows what while I was getting dinner ready and I haven't set foot in whatever area they were in the midst of destroying when I interrupted them for feeding time. But then I come downstairs to finally relax and am met with scenes of destruction and chaos the likes of which a peaceful country like ours has never seen. MAKE THEM CLEAN UP.

Speaking of cleaning, never move into a house with more than two bathrooms. Oh sure, it seems like a selling point when you're walking through a pristine, not-actually-lived-in gem on the market, but someone has to clean every single one of them. And don't fool yourself into thinking you'll just make everyone use one or two of them...it will never work and besides, when you don't use a toilet for a while it just ends up getting some weird dusty ring around the water line so you have to clean it anyway. And yes, maybe there was one time during the vast majority of my life with only one bathroom where there may have been an emergency situation involving a grown woman and a potty...but enough time has gone by to dull the edges of shame and I maintain: Fewer. Bathrooms.


Does anyone else feel like we're all trapped in some elaborate reverse escape room??

A super productive happy day will almost always be followed by a super lousy day of variable productivity. Just to keep you from getting cocky.

Experts helping experts...

Are there any child development experts out there?
Does anyone know approximately at what age I can expect my children to grasp the concept that if you have to do something you don't like, whining and complaining and slow playing and finding countless distractions and excuses will only prolong the agony, and suck away all the time for the fun stuff? Asking for myself.

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