Monday, March 16, 2020

This is Quarantine: Day 5

It's Monday and you know what that means...Back to School!

Hey!, you protest. It's MARCH BREAK! You can't make me school today!

Well, I have news for you. My kids already had their first week of March Break, and considering we're looking at a further 3 weeks of time off, I figure we can at least wade into the territory of creating pockets of structured learning amidst a sea of brain numbing pretend play and screen time.

Also, when your kids show up after breakfast wearing their matching "school uniforms", asking where the classroom is, you'd be an idiot not to strike while the iron is hot. 

We started off with a short PE period, to get the blood flowing:

Then we headed to the Classroom:

Impressive, isn't it? Everyone looks so studious! Don't worry. I already have a working plan for some School Day 1 vs. School Day 15 photos, and I sure hope they're as hilarious in real life as they are in my head.

But, as they say, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so here we go.

In Toddler land, we did some sand letters, kinetic sand play and colouring. If you're thinking that Toddler school sounds a lot like Toddler playtime, you're not wrong.

In the world of Upper Elementary, we tackled Social Issues. E and I worked together, brainstorming a plan to try to distribute resources to those in need in our community during this period of social distancing. We made lists, sketched out rough drafts and came up with more questions than answers, but it was a very productive first step.

Gradually, things started to take on a less focused approach, and our student led learning led to lunch. My takeaway from today was that learning can be fun, even on March Break, even at home, as long as you go with the flow.

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