Saturday, March 21, 2020

This Is Quarantine: Day 10

Well, THAT was a gorgeous day.

The perfect day to give this whole geocaching thing a try.

And how did we do? Well, we found one of three. But to be honest, I was just happy to be wandering around in the woods. And the one we found was the third one, so we ended on a high note!

In addition to hunting for treasure, we brought along our painted shells and left them here and there for people to find. e particularly enjoyed that part.

One lovely thing I've noticed while out for walks these days, is a decided uptick in eye contact, smiles and friendly greetings. I normally try to say hello to most people I pass by, and I'd say I get about a 50% response rate. But these days, I'm rocking a solid 90-95%, and that's the kind of bright spot we need in our days right now.

What else went down today?

This morning J and I went old school on the girls and kicked them outside to play while we enjoyed the freedom to brush our teeth and generally act like boring adults without the constant harassment of stir crazy children slowing us down and stressing us out.

How did that go, you wonder? Oh, it went great, thanks for asking.

Except for the part where e essentially screamed the whole time while E alternated between pleading with her and reprimanding her at varying levels of intensity, proving once and for all that you can lead your children outside, but you cannot prevent them from finding a way to torture you, as well as your neighbours and forest creatures alike.

Eventually I'd had enough and, sticking with the old school theme, tossed open that window and hollered at them to get their butts inside, put the small terrorist down for an early nap and fed the large one into submission.

Tonight I wanted to do something a little special to end off the day so the girls made little skillet brownies from their Christmas stockings.

That's right. I fed them large chocolate desserts right before bed. That was me. So the fact that the poor sucker listening to WW3 upstairs instead of the sweet silence of slumber should garner no sympathy. I will never learn.

But it sure was a BEAUTIFUL day!

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