Friday, March 20, 2020

This Is Quarantine: Day 9

TGIF! Oh wait...

At least J is home for the next couple of days. I really feel for those of us who can't stay home. As difficult as it might be to be cooped up inside indefinitely, it's hands-down easier than going out right now. I get nervous passing someone on the sidewalk while walking my dog. Imagine having to go out and continue to do your job everyday, fearing - let alone, knowing - that you'll come into contact with a sick person. And getting up the next day and doing it again. J's clinic is screening people when they come in, taking temperatures and asking questions. But it's certainly not risk-free.

I spoke to the bank today. There are still call centres full of people showing up to work every day to help people figure their lives out.

I'm going to pick up groceries this weekend. There are still stores full of employees that will pick out your food for you and bring it out, so you don't have to go in.

People are still collecting garbage and recycling.

The lights are on, the water is running, the internet is fast, and life on the inside is very, very comfortable.

I am trying to make a point to say THANK YOU to everyone I interact with who is still out there working, making my life easier.

And in that spirit, I absolutely promise to not spend one minute complaining this weekend. For the weekend I'll have my family with me, safe at home, and it will be good.

Speaking of not complaining, Day 9 had a few bright spots that broke through the rainy grayness:

We made puffy paint and painted shells. (Thank you Mothercould!)

We were planning to try out geocaching for the first time and bring along our shells to hide, but the weather wasn't great, so we decided save it for the weekend when J could enjoy it too.

For dinner, E made the best homemade pizza crust I've ever tasted. (Thank you Bobby Flay!)

It's funny that with all the time in the world this week, we still managed to run out of time for things. E mentioned it too, that although we should be bored, we can't seem to get through our to-do list!

But don't worry, sometimes we're still bored.

So even if TGIF doesn't mean much these days, it still means one thing:

Last day of school for the week!!!

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