Thursday, March 26, 2020

Ask The Expert, Revisited

This was a fun thing I started a long time ago with E, and I have no idea why we didn't continue, as she certainly never ran out of clever ideas. Reading through the blog for old times' sake the other day, I came across the ones we did and read them to the girls.

This gave E a very clever idea. I present to you:

Ask The Expert, e Edition 
Episode 1

1. What is your favourite colour?

2. What is your favourite plant?
A: Spiky ones!

3. What does Daddy do when he wakes up?
A: Falls asleep! And then I say "Snooze or Lose Dad!"

4. What does Daddy do when he gets in the shower?
A: Falls everywhere!

5. What does Daddy like to eat for breakfast?
A: Squid that squiggles around. And LIVE ones!

6. What would you do if you had wings?
A: Fly.

7. What do you want to be for Hallowe'en next year?
A: Dinosaur.

8. What colour do you want your eyes to be?
A: Blaaaaaaaack!

9. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
A: A TIGER! Roooaoaaaaarrr!!!

10. What does it mean if your poop turns green?
A: STOP! Stop pooping and stop peeing.

11. What would happen if the dog turned into a dragon?
A: Then he would be fierce and I would jump into your arms?

12. What should Daddy wear if he wants to be fancy?
A: Makeup!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you brought this back! I enjoyed the couple I read of E's.
