Thursday, March 12, 2020

This Is Quarantine: Day 1

Let me explain.

I realize that no one on the planet right now is confused about what that title might refer to, but with any luck in a few years this moment in time will be such a distant memory that memories will require jogging.

COVID-19 has been circulating for the last few months, but very recently the situation has escalated rather quickly. It feels like here in Canada we have reached a tipping point. In Ontario, it seems to have occurred specifically somewhere around 4pm yesterday, when decisions were made to close schools after March Break and our prime minister's wife was diagnosed with the illness. And here we are. Quarantined.

Thanks to my husband's arguably pre-emptive "sky is falling" mentality, we managed to sneak in our preparations slightly under the wire, thus avoiding long lines and empty shelves. As of Thursday, after a lot of discussion, we decided that the girls and I would stay home from work/camps/school for the next little while. J will continue to go to work, but is considering closing the clinic and taking telephone consults from home if it comes to that.

Is quarantine the right decision? It feels like it. And while we can all drive ourselves crazy by overthinking and second guessing, I'm sticking with my guts on this one. My family and I are very fortunate. My job is not essential to our financial stability. Not to mention that there is no way to practice as a massage therapist without coming into close contact with people. For these reasons, I have decided that continuing to work is simply an unnecessary risk at this point.

It would be lovely to say that everyone is taking the proper precautions and making sure that they're not doing anything to exacerbate the situation. That is simply not true. And even if it was, the most well-intentioned people aren't perfect. Will we all get sick and die if we don't quarantine? Of course not. But would I prefer that my family isn't competing for limited health care resources in the face of a pandemic? Absolutely.

So...on to the more important question: How did Day 1 go??

TV: check

Candy: check

Complaining about cancelled visitors, cancelled sleepover and cancelled activities: check

Complaining about cancelled school: ...crickets...

Stock up status: picked up last load of groceries, scored last package of TP

TP status: one Costco 36 roll package, one Charmin 12 mega roll package (very reasonable, IMO)

"I'm bored" count: 0 (What?! This has been the biggest surprise...but give it time)

Fun status: cooking (applesauce and "kiwi soup"...who knew?), face painting, "Quarantine: Day 1" assignment, Magnatile castle creation, backyard "Nature Centre" visit

I'm finally stuck at home with nowhere to go so I'm going to GET S%@T DONE status: cleaned out and organized freezer, organized toiletries and medicine in the linen closet

So you see, we're doing okay. Better than okay. It's early days, but I quite like these humans I've chosen to share my life with, and I can't think of anyone I'd rather be holed up with.



  1. It's been far too long! Can you go for walks during this quarantine? My fingers and toes are crossed that this is preventative only, and there will be no illnesses involved. Love and hugs.

    1. Walks around the neighbourhood would be fine, I'm sure. So far though we've been sticking to the backyard. Having a big yard has its perks!
