Thursday, March 19, 2020

This Is Quarantine: Day 8

Who thought that giving a newly-night trained no-diaper wearer a brand new sleeping bag was a good idea??

This guy.

The same guy who will probably pull it out of the dryer tonight and cross her fingers that lightning won't strike twice.

Because COME ON...camping out in your bedroom with your sister?! SO COOL. There's something about a tent and a sleeping bag anywhere that makes things special. Just ask the two kiddos that haven't stopped asking me today if they can sleep at the campsite again tonight.

Social distancing
Just pretty pretty pretty please make it to the potty tonight? Please?!


After yesterday's series of exercises in frustration, I decided to keep it pretty chill today. I had visions of spending all of our waking hours in our pj's camped out in front of the TV. No expectations.

Of course, it never works that way, does it?

The dog still needs a walk. The 2 year old will at some point get bored and want to play. I will soon feel gross and want to wash up and get dressed. I will then feel like everyone else should get dressed too. At some point people will want to eat and I will remember things that need to be done and so maybe it wasn't a total write-off of a day after all. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

We checked out a cool YouTube series that children's author extraordinaire Mo Willems is doing about doodling.

E did another set of word problems, showcasing her brilliance as well as her fiercely persistent inattention to detail.

e and I took Gryff for a brisk run around the neighbourhood and took turns in the lead, yelling "Stay! Behind! Me!" (at e's insistence).

Oh and we watched Frozen I and II. We saved Frozen II to watch over dinner because we knew dad would want to see it. He's a sucker for Olaf.

So there was still plenty of couch and screen time after all. In case you were worried.

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