Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Date Night!

J and I went on a date on Monday night. We were celebrating J having written his last exam...well, for another year or so. It seems like he has chosen a path that involves never being able to say "I will NEVER EVER write an exam EVER again!!!" It's too bad. I remember how good it felt to say that.

I can count the number of dates we've had in 2010 on one hand, and there's still a thumb left over. I can't tell you how nice it was to linger over dinner. To chat and eat slowly and not have to worry about keeping the third wheel happy. The food was fantastic, the mojitos were some of the best we've had, and the company - of course - was a treat.

Not once did I hear HEY! MORE! or ALL DONE! AAAALLLL DOOONNNNNE! while I was trying to squeeze in a mouthful. No one decided, once our food was put in front of us, that we wanted something DIFF-INT! No one squirmed in the chair, trying to break free to run amok through the restaurant. And I didn't have to clean anyone up afterwards.

Date night, indeed. The next one is already scheduled, and October 16th can't come soon enough!

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