E is going to be a dragon for Hallowe'en this year. Why? Because after agonizing over the decision for months, we found an adorable dragon costume in her size at a stoop sale a few weeks ago for $3. Done.

Now for mom and dad. We think she's at the age now where she'd get a real kick out of seeing us in costumes. She's already obsessed about hers, and she yells "Hallowe'en decorations!" whenever she sees pumpkins on stoops and ghosts strung up in trees. Why not go the whole nine yards and make it a big deal this year? Soon she'll be wanting to be dress up as a "punk" (like mama was in one form or another for about 8 years in a row) and go out with her friends to terrorize the neighbourhood.
We want to do the Ant and the Aardvark, her favourite (and only) show.

But this is proving to be a difficult task. There are costumes that can be purchased online, for the Sale Price of $1049.00!!! So, DIY it is. But I'm at a loss creatively and could use some ideas. I've figured out that I (the ant) will dress all in red and get some red antennae, but how to create the segments? J (the aardvark) will wear all blue, but what to do about the nose? Are there any crafty people out there who can help me out? I guess the second choice would be Sesame Street characters, who she has recently developed a strong affinity for, but there are plenty of years for that. Besides, Elmo and the Cookie Monster are a dime a dozen. I'm willing to bet a lot of money I don't have that we'll be the only Ant and Aardvark comedy team to hit the streets in Brooklyn. With our pet dragon.
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