Thursday, April 23, 2020

This is Quarantine: Day 43

Grocery Day!!!

If you haven't already figured it out, grocery day is my very favourite day of this whole quarantine business. There is such drama with the lead-up...will I remember to add everything to the order in time...what will the store be out of...will the person who does my shopping make good substitutions...did the website randomly change my order again...will someone steal my groceries (happened to a friend of mine!)...will I get distracted by zoom schedules and *gasp* FORGET to pick up my order??!

Groceries and every detail surrounding their selection and procurement really does take up most of my brain space these days.

And today. Today was a real rollercoaster of emotions.

I have been craving burgers since about a day after I did my last grocery trip before lockdown. Of course, guess what I forgot to add to my next grocery order? Ground beef.

So I immediately added it to the following order which, if you recall, would not be for 20 days. Now, just imagine my crushing disappointment when, having struggled with this unsatisfied craving for longer than a month, my grocery haul that day was woefully devoid of ground beef. No ground beef anywhere in the store. Outta luck.

On to the next order. The one I picked up today. Ground beef and flour were the two items that I was desperately pleading with the universe to fulfill. Desperately. I knew not to get my hopes up. But there they were...up.

I checked my confirmation email with trepidation...

Flour: substituted for another brand, but on the list! Hooray!
Ground beef: on the list! Double Hooray!!

I practically skipped to the store, except that I was driving. But I was bubbly with anticipation. I made cheery small talk with the employee, gushing about how excited I was to see him put that giant bag of flour into my trunk. No euphemism intended.

And then at home, as I unpacked ground beef.

I checked the receipt, and I was indeed charged for ground beef. WHO WALKED OUT WITH MY GROUND BEEF?!?!?!

I called the store. Please. Please, ma'am. Please tell me that there is a club pack of ground beef tucked away with my name on it??

There was. I went back. I got my ground beef.

All is right in the world.

And after all of that you would think, YOU WOULD SO RIGHTFULLY ASSUME, that we're having burgers tonight.

No sir.

Because tonight is a special night indeed. Tonight we're having TAKEOUT!!!

Oh, the things that make me spill over with excitement these days. Lowered expectations really are a wonderful thing.

J has a meeting for work that was supposed to take place at a restaurant. Instead, it is happening online, and the company is paying for him to get takeout. So we're getting a little extra because who wants to watch him eat takeout by himself?

But M, you ask? What about dessert?

Oh, I'm glad you asked.

The flour thing has been stressing me out a little because I'm going through it like crazy with all of the bread making. And E has been craving ice cream, which doesn't require flour, so I was happy to include ice cream ingredients on my grocery list. We're making peppermint chocolate ice cream as we speak. And brownies. Yes, yes, I know, brownies have flour in them. But only just a little, and they go so well with ice cream.

Grocery day, takeout and ice cream with brownies.

I believe I've scored a quarantine hat trick.

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