Friday, April 3, 2020

This is Quarantine: Day 23

If this were Sesame Street and we had a Word of the Day, today's word would be: shenanigans.

Lots of shenanigans today.

The girls slept in, on account of being up to all sorts of - you guessed it: shenanigans - until all hours of the night instead of sleeping.

When they finally did wake up, it was Zoom conference time, followed by watching mom make oatmeal bars while dying of hunger but refusing to eat the fruit set out for them.

E made e a pretty stellar "art fort", e and I built a pretty stellar "car tower", and Gryff took an off leash opportunity in the backyard and turned it into a game of Chase me into Gibbons Park!


While e slept, E and I set the kitchen on fire! Figuratively, of course. We made crazy cake! We made sourdough starter! We made pizza dough!

We would have made more, actually, except that e decided that she only required a 39 minute nap today.

To be honest, that bit of shenanigans was mostly my fault.

I made the mistake of telling e right before bed (after reading a ballet story, as requested, for the one millionth time in a week) that when she woke up we would be taking a ballet class online. So of course, when I went up to investigate why I was hearing her voice she announced "I'm ready for ballet class!"

So up she got. We rustled up one of E's old tutus and embarked on e's very first ballet class ever! We all did it (well, I'm sure J would have done it if he wasn't at work...pffffttt...), and it was so much fun. Not like family workout "fun", but actually enjoyable. I really hope online ballet makes it into our regular activities. It's one more thing in my "avoid playing pretend" tool belt!

J got home a bit early today, a lovely surprise, and we made the most of the beautiful weather by going for a walk with Gryff. When we got home, we whipped up the best homemade pizza this side of Italy for the second week in a row.

And then J got schooled.

e asked J if Gryff had been fed dinner, to which he replied that he hadn't. e then asked J to go and feed him. J said that he would, once he was finished his own dinner. e then fixed J with a murderous glare and declared:

e: Dad, I'm counting on you.
J: *surprised and no doubt unsettled by the glare* Ok!
e: One...two...three...
J: *chuckles, realizing that "counting on you" means something different to e*
J: ...
e: ...
J: *feeds the dog*


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