Monday, April 13, 2020

This is Quarantine: Day 33

I feel like the day after a gluttonous holiday is a pretty popular time for people to say Alright! Enough is enough. I'm going to rein it in and stop the madness. No more junk! More moving! 

And then, the inevitable But I'm surrounded by junk! So I should finish that first...

The narrative is all just so old and tired that I can't even anymore.

But I am plagued with the nagging sensation that I should really be getting on with things in a variety of areas of my life. This is not a two week pause button. This is not an extended March Break. This is not even a month hiatus.

This is life.

Life is happening and it's time to embrace the new normal, rather than sitting in a holding pattern, letting my brain and my belly turn to mush.

Sure, there can be still be some of this:

But it really does need to be tempered with a bit of the other stuff too. You know, the stuff that can't be done from a couch with a glass of wine in your hand.

Or maybe it can. In the name of Skills Development.

In that spirit (the productive spirit, not the couch and wine part), today I went for a run. I had the perfect timing worked out, with the girls playing happily together and an hour or so before I planned to walk the dog to pick up J. But then J was done early, so I figured I'd walk to meet him and then workout before dinner. But then J was starving so I decided to workout after dinner. By that time the kids had gotten wind of my plans and e begged and pleaded to workout with me, meaning change into her workout clothes, follow me downstairs and try to convince me to open every bin of E's old toys to play with. I stayed strong and shot her down. Then I headed downstairs, popped in my earbuds, jacked the volume and busted out a half hour run.

I know that was an exhilarating paragraph, but all that to say I stuck to my guns and I feel a heck of a lot better than if I had thrown in the towel when things didn't follow the original plan.

I also did a little music class with the girls. E practiced her flute and asked all kinds of questions I had no answers to, but did my best with the help of Google. e and I played the piano. No, I can't really play the piano, but I can read music and tinker. I'd like to improve, and I'd love for my kids to have more musical ability than I have. So I showed her some notes and played a song or two for her until she got bored. E's music teacher sent them the sheet music for Imagine, so I plugged away at that for a bit, and what I learned was that we desperately need to get someone in to tune our piano. But it was something I had been thinking about doing and I did it and let's call it a success, shall we? Thank you.

Tomorrow I think I'll finally see if I can figure out how to work my sewing machine.

Onwards and upwards! I'm feeling motivated, so I'm going with it for as long as it goes. No promises.

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