Sunday, April 5, 2020

Men vs Women

You guys.

What started out as a 2-week "adventure" has turned into a completely different animal, and the reality is that I can't imagine you all want to hear about the minutiae of my day, after day, after day for the next 12...15...weeks?!

So let's mix it up a bit.

Sometimes I have thoughts that don't pertain to food or how to entertain children. And today I have this thought about the difference between men and women.

Early on in this pandemic promenade, I learned about crazy cake. Sure, I had seen the Facebook posts about it before, but just scrolled on past them. It wasn't until friends started getting resourceful with homebound kids about a month ago that I realized just what a crazy cake was.

In a nutshell, in case you've been hiding under a nutshell for the past month or weren't alive in the Depression years, a crazy cake is a cake that does not use any milk, eggs or butter, and became popular during the Depression when resources were scarce. Sound familiar? As you can imagine, this is right up my alley.

I can have cake, without depleting my egg supply?? And I can use baking a cake to teach my kids something? And then have a cake to eat at the end of it?! Yes please!

This was a very exciting prospect to me, as well as many other moms out there.

We finally made it on Friday, and it turned out beautifully. I served it for dessert on Friday night, and the conversation with my husband went like this:

J: What's the cake for?

M: It's a crazy cake!

J: What's a crazy cake?

M: *full of enthusiasm* It's a cake that doesn't use eggs, milk or butter!

J: *picture the face you make when someone hands you a chocolate chip cookie and announces that they took out all of the chocolate chips for you*...

M: *enthusiasm, tinged with doubt* People used to make it during the Depression!

J: ...

M: *enthusiasm, ratcheted up a notch* It uses vinegar instead of eggs as the leavener!

J: ...

M: *defensive enthusiasm* Apparently it's just as good as a regular cake!

J: ...

M: Science!

J: *expletive*

Men vs. women. The average dude is just not going to be able to wrap his head around the idea that you bothered to make a cake with s&*t ingredients not because you had to, like the people who invented it, but because you thought it would be fun. And when you put it that way...

Dangit! This was still about food AND entertaining children. I give up.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. I want to do this to B and I know that he will have the same reaction as J! Except he will also say, why cake?
