Saturday, May 2, 2020

This is Quarantine: Day 51

What a week!

Day to day I felt like I just collapsed over the finish line. In the evenings I didn't even have the energy to convince my husband to stop playing his video game so we could watch TV. I just wanted to stare at nothingness (or my online grocery order) and wonder why we're not having this idyllic experience that the more optimistic and contented of us seem to be enjoying.

But tonight, after a pretty good day and having a little energy, I'm looking back at pictures I've taken over the week and realized that we've had some pretty great moments.

We went on a really great walk that started out as just a break to take the dog out for a pee. But the sun was shining, the kids were in good spirits and it turned into a bit of an adventure. We veered off the path whenever the mood struck us, and had a great time exploring. Gryff even got to have his first swim of the season in the river, although he's clearly out of practice and essentially sat in the water chewing a stick until I called him back. I'm sure he'll get his swimming legs back in no time.

We've been watching the show Nailed it! for quite some time and E has been asking to make a cake inspired by the show for a while. Then as luck would have it a cousin was having a birthday and invited friends and family to do a Nailed it! challenge! So we did! Our first experience with fondant was as hysterical as I expected, but the cake was DELICIOUS.

e's class focused on musical instruments this week, and gave us the opportunity to make a tissue box guitar and a toilet paper roll maraca. e spent the week strumming her guitar and singing, so much that I had to reinforce it for her zoom concert today after she wore it out!

After talking about it for weeks, E and I finally got down to the business of actually making our first mask! We've (ahem, I've) been dragging my feet when it comes to gathering supplies and getting a real start, mostly because of the love/hate/abject terror relationship I have with my sewing machine. But this was the week that I sorted it all out-ish, mostly thanks to a wonderful friend who did a Zoom tutorial on mask-making for E's school, and we have finally turned out our first product! It's definitely a starting point on which to build, but I have to say I'm so proud of us.

And as if we didn't learn enough new skills this week, E also dove into the world of buttercream flowers! Our birthday cakes are about to take on a whole new level of sophistication...

And, as compensation for a few days of radio silence, I offer you a glimpse into the ongoing genius of my Quarantine Expertise:

A Tip!

Plan your day.

But don't be married to it.

Let it veer off course and stall and stop and start a few times.

Let it fall apart.

And take more of a weekly approach. Like feeding toddlers. They tell you when looking at your toddler's diet, to not worry so much about what they're eating day to day. Try to make sure that at the end of the week they've had a good selection of all the good stuff. One day they might only eat pepperettes. Then one day they binge on cheese. The next day might be bananas, culinarily as well as emotionally. But by the end of the week, try to make sure that you hit all the food groups and it will be fine.

One day you might clean something. One day you might hit it out of the park with dinner. One day your kid might complete an assignment, and one day you might have the most fun impromptu dance party or couch snuggle. Every day won't have all of these things. But even those of us who are really struggling can probably cobble together a handful of wins over the course of a week. And that's awesome!

...and an Observation!

Who out there predicted the whole mass puppy adoption thing?? I, for one, did not see that coming. Pregnancies, sure. Adopting a few extra pounds? Yep. But taking on a new, fully formed yet totally dependent, super needy, socially illiterate baby creature who needs the hell out of you and has an unlimited supply of energy to burn is not something I had considered that people would be clamouring for.

Upon reflection, and diving deep into my empathy stores because I'll tell you right now if there's something I do not need right now it's ANOTHER BEING TO NEED THINGS FROM ME, I do see how it might be the perfect thing for some. Do you have older kids who are going squirrely, are in need an outlet and are capable of taking on responsibilities without them becoming another one of your responsibilities? Are you quarantining either alone or with another adult and the idea of introducing a distraction seems like a life-saving venture? Are you drowning in the absence of any semblance of normality and crave some kind of routine and structure to your days? Do you have a stockpile of cleaning products and would really like to get some use out of them before they expire?

I'm sure these people have thought it all through, and I'm sure for some it's the ideal solution. It just reminds me, once again, that we are all experiencing this process SO DIFFERENTLY.

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