Wednesday, May 13, 2020

This is Quarantine: Day 63

If today were a toddler diet, it would be stuffed with broccoli and carrots and chicken and salmon and chia seeds and spinach get the idea.

Today was so productive that I can pretty much coast for the rest of the week.

Sure, I still have those masks to sew. But the fabric has been cut! And sure, there are two bedrooms that still need to be put back together. But the painting is done! And yes, I have resorted to just picking up dust bunnies as I walk by them instead of pulling out the vacuum. But I washed the kitchen floor! And 3 bathroom floors! And emptied all the garbage cans! And laid down grass seed! AND played outside with the kids!

And yes, I'm mostly writing all of this down for my own benefit, in an effort to gloss over the guilt of semi-losing it on both of my children today, in separate instances for separate crimes.

Did I mention I also put a cheque in the mail AND didn't fall asleep repeatedly while trying to read to e in the middle of the day? Two things I can't say about yesterday!

Speaking of that hot-headed little drama queen, after a very full day of defying everyone and everything around her, she was pretty worn out.

When I told her it was bedtime and that it was time to give night-night hugs and kisses, I heard a deep sigh behind me, followed by a frail little voice declaring:


And I turned around to see this:

I hear you, sister.

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