Thursday, May 7, 2020

This is Quarantine: Day 57

I think e might be getting sick. Again. For the second?, third? time since quarantine started. I'm no contagious disease expert, but shouldn't one need to be exposed to a pathogen of some kind in order to become sick from it? Or are our bodies just spontaneously producing viruses now? Maybe e has been sneaking out of the house and licking doorknobs when I'm not looking? Picking up garbage on our walks and rubbing it all over her face when I turn my back?

Who knows. And honestly, I'm trying not to spend too much time thinking about it because I go a little squirrelly when I start considering what could be lingering on blades of grass in our yard and pinecones on the sidewalk. So far she's a little whiny, her nose is a little drippy, and her skin is a little rashy. Once again I'll keep her rested and hydrated and cross my fingers and remind myself that not every sniffle is the plague.

Oh, and did I mention that we're toying with the idea that E might be developing a sensitivity of some kind to gluten? For those of you who have had any kind of a conversation with my husband about the g-word, you'll know that it would be just the divinest of ironies if he were to have a child, a human possessing his very DNA, with a gluten sensitivity. In fact, now that I think about it, I'm kind of ticked off at him for jinxing us.

I mean, at the best of times it would be inconvenient and kind of a bummer. For E too. But I have a basement full of pasta and a 10kg bag of flour on the way. She's really going to hate watching us eat through all of that.

Of course no diagnosis has been made, and we're not going to any extremes just yet. But if someone could let my kids know that I'm not actually so bored in quarantine that I need them to start manifesting diseases, I'd appreciate it.

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