Wednesday, March 25, 2020

This Is Quarantine: Day 14

We spent some time looking through a cool map book this morning. I asked E some questions and we showed e a few things, and then I let E pick a place she would like to learn more about. She picked Mexico. I think it's because of the tacos, and that's a solid choice in my books.

I listed a few things I wanted her to research about Mexico, and she got to work. e decided to "study" alongside her, which consisted mostly of scribbling.

I left them to their own devices, and after a few minutes I asked how the studying was going.

E: I'm not studying right now because I'm helping e study.

M: What is e studying?

e: I'm studying rainbows because it's too hard to study Africa things.

Both girls had their first Zoom sessions today with their respective classes, and if you're wondering what Zoom is, it's one company (along with every TP manufacturer on the planet) who has got to be pretty stoked about this pandemic. It went as well as can be expected for a bunch of people trying to use a new technology for the first time, but it sure was a nice change to see people outside our own family and let someone else provide the entertainment *ahem, education* for a minute.

And just in case you are getting a little sick of all of my glass half full nonsense, I present the last words spoken to me tonight by one of my children, who shall remain nameless:

"We get along with each other fine. We don't get along with YOU."


1 comment:

  1. Oh boy. Someone is saucy! We are choosing to do an independent study of Norway, as if we were currently on sabbatical there. (Maybe mama is having some wishful thinking?)
