Tuesday, March 6, 2012

ATE Episode #2: A little of this, a little of that

1. What is the most important thing you should do when you cross the road?
A: Hold someone's hand.

2. Who is a better driver - Mama or Dada?
A: Mama, because you steer the wheel very well.

3. What is your favourite thing to do after school?
A: Paint.

4. If you were to make a movie, what would you call it?
A: I believe I would call it Winter Fun!

5. What would happen in your movie?
A: Bad parts would be in there but good parts too.

6. If you could have any kind of animal for a pet, what animal would it be?
A: A zebra

7. Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?
A: Breakfast, because I really love what you make.

8. What is your favourite word to say?
A: My name.

9. What would you like to be for next Hallowe'en?
A. A giraffe, because I love them. Actually, I'm going to be Mater.

10. If you could pick anyone to be your Valentine, who would it be?
A: Dada, because I love him.

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